F-22 Raptor | With Landing Gear
Jet Fighter Aircraft » Devlog

F-22 Raptor
We just updated the F-22 Raptor with working landing gear! This was a beast to get right but hope you all like the mod. The next phase is to upgrade the cockpit and work on how it handles.
flightsimsquadron-f22-raptor.zip 64 MB
Sep 26, 2020
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Jet Fighter Aircraft
Status | In development |
Category | Game mod |
Author | flightsim-squadron |
Genre | Action, Simulation |
Tags | airplane, flightsimulator, jet-fighter, mod, msfs2020 |
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Love love love this F35 in MSFS2020 but after update 6 all of your planes I installed the glass in the cockpits seems to have gone frosted . I can no long see out of any of the cockpits . They all still fly great but i have to fly them from outside . What can i do to get them back working
Thanks for the feedback and support ! Yeah, we noticed that the environmental occluder we use for rain effects has made cockpits super blurry. We'll work to remove that as a workaround and post an update when done.
That would be wonderful . The work you guys are doing on these aircraft are amazing . Thanks so much for all your hard work .
Whenever I take off or even just apply a very tiny amount of thrust I just get into Overspeed. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Hi @Wiggle_Wagle
It has to do with the flight model. I’ll look at it tonight and see if it’s a quick fix but we are in the process to release a new flight model for our fighter class which also allows for over Mach1 speeds and above
also follow the F22 latest here at the F22 project dedicated page
You can also try this option to turn off the warning - https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/id5da1/turn_off_overspeed_alarm/
This will probably be the last changes I make to the files on here, but (nearly) all the kinks have been worked out.
The aircraft works as expected with the "Modern" flight model, it's much more stable in flight and much easier to land. Also, it's much more responsive and maneuverable.
Wow !!! Many many thanks
Awesome ! Thanks so much for helping improve it ! Will try them out and incorporate for future updates !
Update: Took a recording of my test with that config here - I like it !
thank you, is there a reason why the F-22 seems to small when i play? like if its very far from the screen, i cannot zoom because otherwise its like if i was in binoculars seeing the scenrary far away at closeup
Yeah we're trying to improve that external camera position in the next update.
Just looping back here, we figured it out. We are going to re-release the F22 modified with all these configs this weekend. Check back here in a few days
hi, so If I download again the camera is fix ? or is it next weekend ?
... and flight_model.cfg
major = 1
minor = 0
max_gross_weight = 83500 ; Empty weight, (LBS)
empty_weight = 43340 ; Empty weight, (LBS)
reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0 ; Position of reference datum relative to FS(0,0,0) (FEET), z, x, y
empty_weight_CG_position = 10, 0, 0.2 ; Position of airplane empty weight CG relative to reference datum (FEET), z, x, y
CG_forward_limit = 0.145 ; Gravity center forward limit (longitudinal offset) for longitudinal stability
CG_aft_limit = 0.28 ; Gravity center after limit (longitudinal offset z) w.r.t reference datum for longitudinal stability (FEET)
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 69403 ; Empty pitch moment of inertia, Jxx (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 13434 ; Empty roll moment of inertia, Jzz (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 75997 ; Empty yaw moment of inertia, Jyy (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 100 ; Empty transverse moment of inertia, Jyz (SLUG SQ FEET)
activate_mach_limit_based_on_cg = 0 ; Activate mach limitation depending on CG position (true if > 0 /false othewise). Mostly for Concorde).
activate_cg_limit_based_on_mach = 0 ; Activate cg limitation depending on mach value (true if > 0 /false othewise). Mostly for Concorde).
max_number_of_stations = 2 ; Number of payload stations
station_load.0 = 170, 17.5, -1.2, 4, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.PILOT, 1
station_load.1 = 170, 17.5, 1.2, 4, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.COPILOT, 2
static_pitch = 10 ; degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn)
static_cg_height = 6 ; feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground
gear_system_type = 1 ; gear system type (betweeen 0 and 4) 0 = electrical, 1 = hydraulic, 2 = pneumatic, 3 = manual, 4 = none, 5 = undefined
tailwheel_lock = 0 ; Is tailwheel lock available TRUE/FALSE
max_number_of_points = 9 ; Number of contact points
gear_locked_on_ground = 0 ; Defines whether or not the landing gear handle is locked to down when the plane is on the ground.
gear_locked_above_speed = -1 ; Defines the speed at which the landing gear handle becomes locked in the up position. (-1 = Disabled)
max_speed_full_steering = 10 ; Defines the speed under which the full angle of steering is available (in feet/second).
max_speed_decreasing_steering = 20 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing (in feet/second).
min_available_steering_angle_pct = 0.2 ; Defines the percentage of steering which will always be available even above max_speed_decreasing_steering (in percent over 100).
max_speed_full_steering_castering = 20 ; Defines the speed under which the full angle of steering is available for free castering wheels (in feet/second).
max_speed_decreasing_steering_castering = 40 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing for free castering wheels (in feet/second).
min_castering_angle = 0.05236 ; Defines the minimum angle a free castering wheel can take (in radians).
max_castering_angle = 3.14159265358979 ; Defines the maximum angle a free castering wheel can take (in radians).
point.0 = 1, 22.5, 0, -2.5, 750, 0, 0.7, 35, 0.29, 2.12, 0.33, 10, 10, 0, 260, 260, 2
point.1 = 1, 2.25, -6, -2, 1500, 1, 0.77, 0, 0.14, 2.06, 0.33, 9, 9, 2, 260, 260, 2
point.2 = 1, 2.25, 6, -2, 1500, 2, 0.77, 0, 0.14, 2.06, 0.33, 9, 9, 3, 260, 260, 2
point.3 = 2, 40, 0, 4, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1
point.4 = 2, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1
point.5 = 2, 0.5, -22, 4, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1
point.6 = 2, 0.5, 22, 4, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1
point.7 = 2, -6, 0, 13.25, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 1
point.8 = 2, -17.4, 0, 4, 750, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 1
LeftMain = 10, -3, 1.5, 1343, 0 ; For each tank: Tank position (z longitudinal, x lateral, y vertical) (FEET), total fuel capacity (GALLONS), unusable fuel capacity (GALLONS)
RightMain = 10, 3, 1.5, 1343, 0
fuel_type = 2 ; 1 = OCTANE 100, 2 = JET_A, 3 = OCTANE 80, 4 = AUTO GAS, 5 = JET B
number_of_tank_selectors = 2 ; Max 4
electric_pump = 1
engine_driven_pump = 1
manual_transfer_pump = 0
manual_pump = 0
anemometer_pump = 0
fuel_dump_rate = 0.02
default_fuel_tank_selector.1 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 1, default is ALL.
default_fuel_tank_selector.2 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 2, default is ALL.
default_fuel_tank_selector.3 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 3, default is ALL.
default_fuel_tank_selector.4 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 4, default is ALL.
fuel_transfer_pump.0 = 19, 20, 0.0714, 1
fuel_transfer_pump.1 = 20, 19, 0.0714, 2
wing_area = 1450 ; Wing area S (SQUARE FEET)
wing_span = 44 ; Wing span b (FEET)
wing_root_chord = 62 ; Wing root chord croot (FEET) 60 is right
wing_camber = 0 ; (DEGREES)
wing_thickness_ratio = 0.008 ; Local thickness is local_chord(x)*wing_thickness_ratio, x = lateral coord
wing_dihedral = -1.5 ; Dihedral angle Lambda (DEGREES)
wing_incidence = 0 ; Wing incidence (DEGREES)
wing_twist = 0 ; Wing twist epsilon (DEGREES)
oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.9 ; Wing Oswald efficiency factor e (non dimensional)
wing_winglets_flag = 0 ; Has winglets true/false
wing_sweep = 41 ; Wing sweep (DEGREES) 45 is right
; wing_pos_apex_lon = -1 ; Longitudinal (z) position of wing apex w.r.t reference datum (FEET) was 5.51747
wing_pos_apex_vert = 4 ; Vertical (y) position of wing apex w.r.t reference datum (FEET) 4 is right
htail_area = 0 ; Horizontal tail area (SQUARE FEET)
htail_span = 28 ; Horizontal tail span (FEET)
htail_pos_lon = -13 ; Longitudinal (z) position of horizontal tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
htail_pos_vert = 3.7 ; Vertical (y) position of horizontal tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
htail_incidence = 0 ; Horizontal tail incidence (DEGREES)
htail_sweep = 41 ; Horizontal tail sweep angle (DEGREES)
htail_thickness_ratio = 0.002 ; Local thickness is local_chord(x)*htail_thickness_ratio, x = lateral coord
vtail_area = 100 ; Vertical tail area (SQUARE FEET)
vtail_span = 10 ; Vertical tail span (FEET)
vtail_sweep = 45 ; Vertical tail sweep angle (DEGREES)
vtail_pos_lon = 0 ; Longitudinal (z) position of vertical tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
vtail_pos_vert = 8 ; Vertical (y) position of vertical tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
vtail_thickness_ratio = 0.002 ; Local thickness is local_chord(x)*vtail_thickness_ratio, x = lateral coord
fuselage_length = 55 ; Nose to tail (FEET)
fuselage_diameter = 4
fuselage_center_pos = 15, 0, 3.75
elevator_area = 500 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
aileron_area = 200 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
rudder_area = 200 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
elevator_up_limit = 60 ; Elevator max deflection up angle (DEGREES)
elevator_down_limit = 45 ; Elevator max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
aileron_up_limit = 40 ; Aileron max deflection angle (DEGREES)
aileron_down_limit = 30 ; Aileron max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
rudder_limit = 22 ; Rudder max deflection angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
rudder_trim_limit = 16 ; Rudder trim max deflection angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
elevator_trim_limit = 50 ; Elevator trim max angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
spoiler_limit = 60 ; Spoiler max deflection angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
spoilerons_available = 0 ; Aircraft has spoilerons true/false
aileron_to_spoileron_gain = 4.6 ; Aileron influence on spoileron angle (non-dimensional)
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons = 5 ; Minimum aileron deflection (absolute value) in which spoilerons are active (DEGREES)
min_flaps_for_spoilerons = 0 ; Minimum flaps deflection (absolute value) in which spoilerons are active (DEGREES)
spoiler_extension_time = 2 ; Spoilers extension time (SECONDS)
spoiler_handle_available = 1 ; Spoiler handles available true/false
auto_spoiler_available = 0 ; Auto spoilers available true/false
auto_spoiler_min_speed = 0 ; Auto spoilers minimum trigger speed
positive_g_limit_flaps_up = 3 ; Flap positive load limit when up. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
positive_g_limit_flaps_down = 2.1 ; Flap positive load limit when down. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
negative_g_limit_flaps_up = -2.4 ; Flap negative load limit when up. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
negative_g_limit_flaps_down = -1.7 ; Flap negative load limit when down. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
load_safety_factor = 1 ; Flap negative load limit when down. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
elevator_trim_neutral = 4 ; Elevator trim max angle (absolute value) (DEGREES), for indicators only (no influence on flight model)
aileron_to_rudder_scale = 0 ; non-dimensional
flap_to_aileron_scale = 0 ; non-dimensional
fly_by_wire = 0 ; Fly-by-wire available true/false
elevator_elasticity_table = 0:1, 45:1, 200:0.33, 450:0.25
aileron_elasticity_table = 0:1, 45:1, 200:0.33, 450:0.25
rudder_elasticity_table = 0:1, 45:1, 200:0.33, 450:0.25
elevator_trim_elasticity_table = 0:1, 45:1, 200:0.33, 450:0.25
lift_coef_pitch_rate = -23.65724 ; The change in lift per change in pitch rate
lift_coef_daoa = 0 ; lift per change in angle of attack rate
lift_coef_delta_elevator = -1.07922 ; The change in lift per change in elevator deflection
lift_coef_horizontal_incidence = 0 ; The change in lift per change in horizontal incidence angle
lift_coef_flaps = 0.5018 ; Change in lift due to flaps
lift_coef_spoilers = -0.1 ; Change in lift due to spoilers
drag_coef_zero_lift = 0.00227 ; 0.0227 ; The zero lift drag polar
drag_coef_flaps = 0.1453
drag_coef_gear = 0.005 ; 0.005
drag_coef_spoilers = 0.1
side_force_slip_angle = -2.74637 ; (yaw angle) The change in side force per change in side slip angle
side_force_roll_rate = 0.56854 ; (roll velocity) The change in side force per change in roll rate
side_force_yaw_rate = 2.84314 ; (yaw velocity) The change in side force per change in yaw rate
side_force_delta_rudder = -2.54923 ; The change in side force per change in rudder deflection
pitch_moment_horizontal_incidence = 0 ; The change in pitch moment per change in horizontal incidence angle
pitch_moment_delta_elevator = -3.97964 ; The change in pitch moment per change in elevator deflection
pitch_moment_delta_trim = -3.97964 ; The change in pitch moment per change in trim
pitch_moment_pitch_damping = -419.7973 ; The change in pitch moment per change in pitch rate(PRIMARY PITCH STABILITY FACTOR). deg/s
pitch_moment_aoa_0 = -0.15332 ; Pitch moment at zero angle - of - attack
pitch_moment_daoa = 0 ; The change in pitch moment per change in angle of attack
pitch_moment_flaps = -0.05213 ; The pitch moment due to flaps
pitch_moment_gear = 0.00306 ; The pitch moment due to gear
pitch_moment_spoilers = -0.0193 ; The pitch moment due to spoilers
pitch_moment_delta_elevator_propwash = -0.99491
pitch_moment_pitch_propwash = 0
roll_moment_slip_angle = 0.24939 ; The change in roll moment per sideslip angle(DIHEDRAL EFFECT)
roll_moment_roll_damping = -1.4369
roll_moment_yaw_rate = -0.24061
roll_moment_spoilers = 0 ; The change in roll moment due to spoilers
roll_moment_delta_aileron = -0.15163 ; (control)The change in roll moment per change in aileron deflection
roll_moment_delta_rudder = 0.33028 ; (control)The change in roll moment per change rudder deflection
roll_moment_delta_aileron_trim_scalar = -0.15163 ; Change in roll moment due to aileron trim
yaw_moment_slip_angle = 0.89291 ; The change in yaw moment per change sideslip angle(WEATHER VANING EFFECT)
yaw_moment_roll = 0.08554 ; (adverse yaw) The change in yaw moment per change in roll rate deg/s
yaw_moment_yaw_damping = -6.85431 ; (damping)The change in yaw moment per change in yaw rate(PRIMARY YAW STABILITY FACTOR deg/s)
yaw_moment_yaw_propwash = 0 ; (damping)
yaw_moment_delta_aileron = 0.00382 ; (adverse yaw) The change in yaw moment per change aileron deflection
yaw_moment_delta_rudder = 1.1374 ; (control)The change in yaw moment per change in rudder deflection PRIMARY YAW POWER FACTOR
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_propwash = 0.28435 ; (control)
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_trim_scalar = 1.1374 ; Change in yaw moment due to rudder trim
compute_aero_center = 0
aero_center_lift = 1 ; Init to center
lift_coef_aoa_table = -3.15:0, -0.8:-1.185, -0.4:-0.987, -0.2:-0.698, -0.1:-0.489, 0:0.038, 0.2:1.154, 0.23:1.279, 0.26:1.39, 0.29:1.249, 0.31:1.159, 0.4:1.031, 0.8:1.207, 3.15:0
lift_coef_ground_effect_mach_table = 0.054:1.25
lift_coef_mach_table = 0:1
lift_coef_delta_elevator_mach_table = 0:0
lift_coef_daoa_mach_table = 0:0
lift_coef_pitch_rate_mach_table = 0:0
lift_coef_horizontal_incidence_mach_table = 0:0
drag_coef_zero_lift_mach_tab = 0:0, 0.5:0, 0.55:0, 0.6:0, 0.65:0, 0.7:0, 0.75:0, 0.8:0, 0.85:0, 0.9:0, 0.95:0, 1:2, 1.1:2, 1.5:2
side_force_slip_angle_mach_table = 0:0
side_force_delta_rudder_mach_table = 0:0
side_force_yaw_rate_mach_table = 0:0
side_force_roll_rate_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_aoa_table = -3.15:0, -0.8:-1.599, -0.4:-1.272, -0.2:-0.686, -0.1:-0.348, 0:0, 0.2:0.742, 0.23:0.834, 0.26:0.92, 0.29:1.117, 0.31:1.224, 0.4:1.508, 0.8:1.962, 3.15:0
pitch_moment_delta_elevator_aoa_table = -180:-1, -40:0.183, -20:0.697, -10:0.993, -5:1.091, 0:1, 5:0.815, 10:0.633, 20:0.298, 40:-0.164, 180:-1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_horizontal_incidence_aoa_table = 0:1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_daoa_aoa_table = 0:1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_pitch_alpha_table = 0:1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_delta_elevator_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_daoa_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_pitch_rate_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_horizontal_incidence_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_aoa_0_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_aoa_table = 0:0 ; Cl (roll moment coef) versus AoA
roll_moment_slip_angle_aoa_table = 0:1
roll_moment_roll_rate_aoa_table = 0:1
roll_moment_delta_aileron_aoa_table = 0:1
roll_moment_slip_angle_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_delta_rudder_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_delta_aileron_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_yaw_rate_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_roll_rate_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_aoa_table = 0:0 ; Cn (yaw moment coef) versus AoA
yaw_moment_slip_angle_aoa_table = 0:1
yaw_moment_yaw_rate_aoa_table = 0:1
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_aoa_table = 0:1
yaw_moment_slip_angle_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_delta_aileron_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_yaw_rate_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_roll_rate_mach_table = 0:0
elevator_scaling_table = 0:1 ; scales control based on its deflection
aileron_scaling_table = 0:1 ; scales control based on its deflection
rudder_scaling_table = 0:1 ; scales control based on its deflection
aileron_load_factor_effectiveness_table = 0:1 ; scaling of roll_moment_delta_aileron versus gravity forces, G effects on aileron effectiveness, acts on roll_moment_delta_aileron
lift_coef_at_drag_zero = 0.10000
lift_coef_at_drag_zero_flaps = 0.10000
cruise_lift_scalar = 1
parasite_drag_scalar = 0.01
induced_drag_scalar = 1
flap_induced_drag_scalar = 1
elevator_effectiveness = 1
elevator_maxangle_scalar = 1
aileron_effectiveness = 1
rudder_effectiveness = 1
rudder_maxangle_scalar = 1
pitch_stability = 0.9
roll_stability = 0.9
yaw_stability = 0.9
elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1
aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1
rudder_trim_effectiveness = 1
hi_alpha_on_roll = 0
hi_alpha_on_yaw = 0
p_factor_on_yaw = 0
torque_on_roll = 0
gyro_precession_on_roll = 0
gyro_precession_on_yaw = 0
engine_wash_on_roll = 0 ; Torque effect
wingflex_scalar = 1
wingflex_offset = 0
full_flaps_stall_speed = 90 ; Knots True (KTAS)
flaps_up_stall_speed = 105 ; Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_speed = 1267 ; Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_mach = 1.96
crossover_speed = 285 ; Knots Indicated (KIAS)
max_mach = 2.42
max_indicated_speed = 1614 ; Red line (KIAS)
max_flaps_extended = 900
normal_operating_speed = 1600
airspeed_indicator_max = 1700
rotation_speed_min = 115 ; Min speed required (Kts)
climb_speed = 138 ; Climb speed (Kts)
cruise_alt = 60000 ; (ft)
takeoff_speed = 135 ; Takeoff Speed (Kts)
spawn_cruise_altitude = 40000 ; Spawn Cruise Altitude (ft)
spawn_descent_altitude = 500 ; Spawn Descent Altitude (ft)
best_angle_climb_speed = 0 ; Best angle climb speed (Kts)
approach_speed = 110 ; Approach speed (Kts)
best_glide = 1100 ; Best Glide (Kts)
number_of_interactive_points = 0
;===================== FLAPS =====================
type = 1 ; Flap type 0 = None, 1 = trailing edge, 2 = leading edge
system_type = 1 ; Flap system type 0 = electrical, 1 = hydraulic, 2 = pneumatic, 3 = manual, 4 = none
span-outboard = 0.57 ; Outboard span area (added area) (percentage, non dimensional)
extending-time = 1 ; Flap extension time (SECONDS)
damaging-speed = 275 ; Speed above which flap is damaged (Kts)
blowout-speed = 305 ; Speed above which flap is blown out (Kts)
maneuvering_flaps = 0
lift_scalar = 1.6 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap lift coef (non dimensioned)
drag_scalar = 1.6 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap drag coef (non dimensioned)
pitch_scalar = 1 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap pitch coef (non dimensioned)
max_on_ground_position = 2 ; Dynamically set in-tool to last flap-position index by defaut when -1 is found.
flaps-position.0 = 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
flaps-position.1 = 15, -1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0
flaps-position.2 = 35, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
Sorry for huge comment....
Corrected thrust, speed, control surfaces, aerodynamics, and a lot more. It has to be flown in legacy. For some reason in "Modern" a hard speed limit of Mach 0.95 is in place.
major = 1
minor = 0
engine_type = 1 ; 0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
fuel_flow_scalar = 1 ; Fuel flow scalar
min_throttle_limit = -0.25 ; Minimum percent throttle. Generally negative for turbine reverser
master_ignition_switch = 0
starter_type = 0 ; 0=Electric, 1=Manual, 2=Bleed Air
max_contrail_temperature = -39.724
Engine.0 = -13, -2.0, 3.5
ThrustAnglesPitchHeading.0 = 0, 0
Engine.1 = -13, 2.0, 3.5
ThrustAnglesPitchHeading.1 = 0, 0
fuel_flow_gain = 0.005 ; Gain on fuel flow
inlet_area = 3 ; Square Feet, engine nacelle inlet area
rated_N2_rpm = 22000 ; RPM, second stage compressor rated value
static_thrust = 35000 ; Lbs, max rated static thrust at Sea Level
reverser_available = 1
reverser_mach_controlled = 0
afterburner_available = 0
afterburner_throttle_threshold = 0.7
ThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 0.5
AfterBurnThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 0
mach_0_corrected_commanded_ne_table = 0.000000:1.000000:22.570000,0.000000:55.000000:82.500000,0.420000:78.800003:95.400002,0.510000:82.500000:98.500000,0.610000:87.400002:101.099998,0.700000:92.000000:103.099998,0.790000:96.199997:105.699997,0.930000:103.099998:108.059998,1.000000:107.000000:108.059998
mach_hi_corrected_commanded_ne_table = 0.900000:1.000000:22.570000,0.000000:62.000000:82.500000,0.420000:77.000000:95.400002,0.510000:80.199997:98.500000,0.610000:84.800003:101.099998,0.700000:89.099998:103.099998,0.790000:92.199997:105.699997,0.930000:96.000000:108.059998,1.000000:98.199997:108.059998
corrected_n2_from_ff_table = 0.000000:0.000000, 0.002940:10.000000, 0.011800:30.000000, 0.020660:40.000000, 0.033970:50.000000, 0.053170:60.000000, 0.133910:80.000000, 0.257710:90.000000, 0.540000:100.000000, 0.686860:105.000000
n1_and_mach_on_thrust_table = 0.000000:0.000000:0.900000,0.000000:0.000000:0.000000,20.000000:0.025400:0.114000,25.000000:0.050800:0.222000,30.000000:0.079800:0.350000,35.000000:0.112500:0.451000,40.000000:0.152400:0.545000,45.000000:0.199500:0.640000,50.000000:0.254000:0.754000,55.000000:0.360000:0.869000,60.000000:0.480000:0.953000,65.000000:0.572000:1.040000,70.000000:0.653000:1.126000,75.000000:0.727000:1.210000,80.000000:0.788000:1.295000,85.000000:0.875000:1.378000,90.000000:0.985000:1.478000,95.000000:1.061000:1.578000,100.000000:1.153000:1.668000,105.000000:1.237000:1.778000,110.000000:1.338000:1.845000
n2_to_n1_table = 0.000000:0.000000:0.900000,0.000000:0.000000:0.000000,10.000000:2.000000:9.200000,20.000000:7.000000:14.600000,30.000000:10.200000:20.000000,40.000000:15.100000:24.700001,50.000000:20.100000:32.000000,60.000000:28.000000:41.799999,70.000000:38.000000:53.200001,80.000000:52.000000:67.500000,90.000000:70.000000:80.800003,100.000000:89.400002:100.800003,110.000000:112.000000:120.000000
corrected_airflow_table = 0.000000:0.000000:0.100000:0.200000:0.300000:0.400000:0.500000:0.600000:0.700000:0.800000:0.900000,0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000:0.000000,20.000000:3.669446:4.387084:5.730836:6.842790:7.698139:8.235298:8.834042:9.770649:10.667910:12.044166,25.000000:5.184269:5.742812:7.098539:8.296883:8.981162:9.472132:10.070021:10.927080:11.725121:12.961100,30.000000:6.680274:7.138741:8.254971:9.591025:10.209442:10.787659:11.406075:12.123713:12.881552:13.958436,35.000000:8.195951:8.534670:9.451604:10.548161:11.246125:12.003964:12.682256:13.340019:13.998637:14.975446,40.000000:9.691101:9.930599:10.628564:11.665246:12.442759:13.280145:13.978109:14.496450:15.095195:15.932581,45.000000:11.246125:11.326528:11.984291:12.821677:13.639391:14.556325:15.254290:15.693084:16.251627:16.929918,50.000000:12.722457:12.761804:13.340019:14.078185:14.875370:15.832505:16.550999:16.849514:17.367857:17.887053,55.000000:14.217607:14.217607:14.735949:15.334692:16.172079:17.089012:17.827179:18.065821:18.465269:18.803988,60.000000:15.733285:15.752957:16.311501:16.729767:17.527807:18.324991:19.262453:19.222252:19.621700:19.801323,65.000000:17.129213:17.248962:17.767303:18.185570:18.823660:19.601171:20.080168:20.379539:20.737930:20.718258,70.000000:18.684238:18.803988:19.282127:19.641373:20.159714:20.818333:21.216925:21.535971:21.834488:21.675392,75.000000:20.239262:20.399212:20.737930:21.157051:21.555643:22.073984:22.512779:22.752277:22.692402:22.572653,80.000000:21.914890:22.034639:22.353683:22.652201:22.991774:23.510115:23.829161:23.948910:23.808632:23.748758,85.000000:23.808632:23.829161:24.108004:24.327829:24.546799:24.825642:25.165215:25.105341:25.005264:24.945391,90.000000:25.882853:25.909369:25.935884:25.963255:25.989771:26.016287:26.042803:26.070175:26.096689:26.123205,95.000000:27.478079:27.504595:27.531111:27.558481:27.584997:27.611513:27.638029:27.665400:27.691916:27.718431,100.000000:28.734585:28.761101:28.787617:28.814133:28.841505:28.868019:28.894535:28.921051:28.948423:28.974939,105.000000:29.691721:29.718237:29.744753:29.771269:29.798639:29.825155:29.851671:29.878187:29.905558:29.932074,110.000000:30.189533:30.216906:30.243422:30.269938:30.296452:30.323824:30.350340:30.376856:30.403372:30.430742
epr_max = 26.8 ; 1.4
epr_tc = 6 ; 14
epr_tuning_constant = 1
oil_temp_cooling_constant = 0.21
oil_temp_heating_constant = 700
oil_temp_tc = 0.03
oil_temp_tuning_constant = 1
oil_press_max = 11376
oil_press_tc = 0.8
oil_press_tuning_constant = 1
itt_peak_temperature = 2400
itt_tc = 2
itt_tuning_constant = 1
egt_peak_temperature = 1285
egt_tc = 2
egt_tuning_constant = 1
fuel_press_max = 5000 ; 2376
fuel_press_tc = 2
fuel_press_tuning_constant = 1
variable_inlet = 0
primary_nozzle_available = 1
primary_nozzle_afterburner_offset = 0.14
primary_nozzle_n1_mach_to_nozzle_pos = 0.000000:0.000000:2.000000,53.000000:0.660000:0.100000,65.000000:0.690000:0.330000,96.000000:0.700000:0.440000
density_on_torque_table = 0.000225:0.100000, 0.000350:0.600000, 0.000400:0.800000, 0.000450:1.000000, 0.002378:1.000000
starter_N1_max_pct = 12 ; Pct, percentage of max rpm that reached using only starter.
starter_N1_rate = 12 ; Rate at which the starter N1 increases.
ignition_auto_type = "0" ; If the Ignition is set to AUTO - specifies how that is handled. 0(default) = Always on, 1 = Ignition follows starter status, 2 = Ignition enabled when Flaps are not neutral, when AntiIce is enabled, or when N1/N2 is below 50%.
min_condition_lever_for_combustion = 0.01 ; % - Minimum position of the Condition lever to obtain a combustion. Default at 0.01.
min_n1_for_combustion = 10 ; % - Minimum N1 required to maintain a combustion
min_n2_for_combustion = 19.4 ; % - Minimum N2 required to maintain a combustion
min_n1_for_starter_cutoff = 200 ; % - Minimum N1 at which the starter is automatically disabled
min_n2_for_starter_cutoff = 50 ; % - Minimum N2 at which the starter is automatically disabled
min_n2_for_apu_bleed_air_cutoff = 200 ; % - Minimum N2 at which the APU Bleed Air is automatically disabled
n2_from_bleed_air_psi_table = 0:0, 4:8, 10:18, 18:25 ; Table which contains the n2 generated depending on the pression from the bleed air from the APU (in psi).
bleed_air_on_n2_tc = 1 ; Time constant which contains the speed at which the bleed air pressure affect the N2 of the turbine.
N1_to_oil_pressure_table = 0:0, 0.21:0.88, 0.9:0.954, 1:1 ; % of max Oil Pressure for % N1.
n1_normal_tc = 0.5 ; Float factor changing N1 acceleration during normal use of the engine
n1_start_max_rate = 1.0 ; Float limiting N1 acceleration during starter use
n1_start_combustion_max_rate = 2.0 ; Float limiting N1 acceleration during startup when cumbustion has started
idle_fuel_flow = 350 ; pound per hour
low_idle_n1 = 20
low_idle_n2 = 60
high_n1 = 100
high_n2 = 100
high_fuel_flow = 3000
min_n2_for_fuel_flow = 22
mach_influence_on_n1 = 10
fuel_flow_max = 6000 ; 3500
fuel_flow_controller_p = 0.5
fuel_flow_controller_i = 0.01
fuel_flow_controller_d = 0.1
fuel_flow_controller_iboundary = 10
fuel_flow_controller_dboundary = 100
max_torque_protection = 0 ; 0 = no protection, value of the torque triggering a protection by automatically limiting the fuelflow
max_n1_protection = 0 ; 104 ; 0 = no protection, value of the n1 triggering a protection by automatically limiting the fuelflow
max_n2_protection = 0 ; 105 ; 0 = no protection, value of the n2 triggering a protection by automatically limiting the fuelflow
max_egt_protection = 0 ; 2000 ; 0 = no protection, value of the egt triggering a protection by automatically limiting the fuelflow
thrust_scalar = 1
DisableFuelValveControls = 0 ; Disable fuel valve controls
DisableMixtureControls = 0 ; Disable mixture controls
DisableParkingBrakeControls = 0 ; Disable parking brake controls
DisablePropellerControls = 0 ; Disable propeller controls
Trying to post flight_model.cfg next. Can't add here due to comment size.
Thanks for sharing ! Will try it out and incorporate for future updates :-)
Hi evan,
You are right the speed seems to be lock around mach 1 but im not sure i understand your comment, I did copied both scripts that you shared but after saving and tryi mg again, the speed didnt change.. is there something else to modify?
what I dont like of all addons planes example sr-71 suppose to go to at least mach 2 has a limit almost like a cessna lol you know
In the settings in MSFS while you're flying under General->Flight Model, change it from Modern to Legacy.
I've made a lot of changes since my original comment a few days ago, and I've also figured out what table to modify to fix the speed problem in the Modern flight model, but adding new comments with the entire files is way too difficult.
Pastebin might be useful for sharing the files, though I'm not sure if itch has restrictions around links or not.
Thanks for the suggestion. Works just fine. Check the top level comments for the new files.
could you maybe then, share files via We transfer link or a google drive shared folder ?
Just put them up. Check the top level comments for the new files.
cruise_lift_scalar = 1
parasite_drag_scalar = .1
induced_drag_scalar = .1
flap_induced_drag_scalar = 1
elevator_effectiveness = 3
elevator_maxangle_scalar = 0.5
aileron_effectiveness = 3
rudder_effectiveness = 1
rudder_maxangle_scalar = 0.5
pitch_stability = 1
roll_stability = 1
yaw_stability = 1
elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1
aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1
rudder_trim_effectiveness = 1
hi_alpha_on_roll = 0
hi_alpha_on_yaw = 0
p_factor_on_yaw = 0
torque_on_roll = 0
gyro_precession_on_roll = 0
gyro_precession_on_yaw = 0
engine_wash_on_roll = 0 ; Torque effect
wingflex_scalar = 1
wingflex_offset = 0
Awesome ! Thanks for sharing ! Will try it and out update the package with it soon !
Legend! We will update it and rerelease. Also going to include a few additional tweaks + animations!